Tips for Selecting Healthy Shrimps
Choosing the best shrimp can make a significant difference in the flavor and quality of your meals. By following these tips, you can ensure that you’re selecting the healthiest and freshest shrimp for your meals, leading to better taste and overall dining experience.
Ensuring Quality: The Importance of Checking Frozen Shrimp Temperature Post-IQF or Block Freezing
Temperature monitoring is a simple yet essential practice in the seafood export industry. Not only preserves the quality of the shrimp but also ensures compliance with regulations and maintains customer trust. Before every shipment, regular temperature checks should be conducted to guarantee that the product remains in the best condition possible throughout its journey to the consumer.
How Semi-Block Works?
Semi-Block is a technique where products are initially frozen individually to a semi-solid state before being completely frozen together in bulk. This approach merges the advantages of Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) with those of conventional bulk freezing methods